Intergrated Clinical Strength and Conditioning
I help clinicians manage complex patients and prescribe exercise with confidence.
Integrated Clinical Strength and Conditioning

Uzo Ehiogu is a Consultant in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and Physical Preparation and a Clinical Educator.
He advises clinicians and organizations on performance optimisation and is an international clinical educator.
A former Royal Marines Commando, Special Operations Solider and British Army Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Officer.
Uzo has a Masters of Science Degree in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy and Bachelor Degrees in Applied Sports Science and Physiotherapy. He is a full member of the UK Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP).
He is Visiting Fellow at Leeds Beckett Universities Centre for Human Performance, Honorary Clinical Lecturer at Birmingham University Medical School and guest Lecturer on Physiotherapy Master of Science programmes at Coventry University and Brighton University.
Patient & Athlete Testimonals